
Last week was a busy one at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland.  The signs are very encouraging that

Usable spectrum has become a limiting factor in the growth of wireless technologies and deployment, and the growth of M2M will place even greater demand on networks that are nearing, or at, capacit

M2M communications is the latest example of how wireless networks are revolutionizing global business.  Around the world, industries—from health care to transportation—depend on broadband networks

How Policy, Politics and Power Are Shaping the Future of the ICT Industry

Grant Seiffert, President and CEO of TIA, provides his insight into future of the ICT industry.

Jobs – the lack of them and the plans to create them – are the focus of the public, the press and the one or two real political contenders in this primary season. New York Times columnist Tom Friedman argues in his Sunday December 11 column that broadband infrastructure and connectivity is a key component of job creation, especially for anyone hoping to make a living in the global information age in which we live.

Security management is a growth industry, and not just for spooks and hackers. Network operations folks are fully aware, or should be, of the growing risk in critical infrastructure protection. At TIA 2012, we will focus on these foundational issues relative to security, risk and vulnerability.


Critics of the FCC’s plan to remove Title II regulation of the internet often ignore one fundamental point: nearly everyone in the tech industry, from the smallest start-ups to the largest ISPs, ag

** This editorial first apepared in the Detroit News on on July 6, 2017.

TIA was proud to host “Securing the IoT Network – A Policy Forum” on Thursday, June 8 as a  part of a new series of Capitol Hill educational events the association i

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