TIA Blog


National Health IT Week: One Voice. One Vision.

Yesterday marked the beginning of 9th annual National Health IT Week, where public and private stakeholders from across the health care spectrum come together for events throughout Washington, DC as well as across the country to discuss the role that health information technology plays in the advancement of the U.S. healthcare system.

This year, the Telecommunications Industry Association is proud to have joined many others as a partner of the National Health IT Week. Having these collaborative dialogues to highlight the known benefits of health IT is an important step to increasing awareness and understanding of the possibilities that health IT can have in realizing the full potential of 21st century health care. TIA is also mindful of broader implications, namely the Internet of Things, of which the health segment is crucial.

Advances in technology have revolutionized the way health care is delivered and consumed, giving both patients and providers the tools they need to improve health outcomes and increase the quality of care. However, outdated regulations widely remain in place which have restricted the use of telehealth and and remote patient monitoring, and have long been a hindrance to progress in this space.

This year's tagline for the National Health IT Week is One Voice. One Vision – a very appropriate theme when you consider just how broad and diverse the group of affected stakeholders is. That is why TIA is happy to be continuously working to address tangible and targeted priorities in this space that address ICT industry consensus (all of our recent filings can be found here), as well as in concert with other partners (for example, please see the various letters we have filed with other important voices in the healthcare space here, here, and here). These efforts are just the beginning of our work towards a fully connected continuum of care.

As we all work separately to advance the use of health IT, opportunities like this week give us a chance to work together towards elevating the importance of health IT in national discussion. Please join us as we work towards bringing our health care system into the 21st century.