TIA's IPR patent holder statements contain patent holder statements or copyright holder statements which have been provided to TIA and claim IPR or pending patent applications as being essential, or potentially essential, to the implementation of TIA standards. Unless otherwise specified, all patent holder or copyright holder statements contained herein have been provided to TIA, with an undertaking from the owner to grant licenses according to the terms and conditions of TIA's Engineering Manual which contains TIA's patent policy.
TIA makes no representations or warranties, and disclaims any and all responsibility, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, completeness or scope of such statements, or any claims of IPR contained or identified therein.
A summary of the latest actions taken by the respective TIA engineering committees.
This white paper analyzes how TIA's engineering committees could address existing cloud computing standardization gaps.
This manual describes the manner in which the standards activities of TIA are organized and the manner in which its activities are conducted.