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  • Why the U.S. outperformed the EU in telecom spending, along with other findings, is part of TIA's ICT Market Review & Forecast, giving fresh data and comprehensive analysis for the ICT industry. Growth in Cloud services, M2M and Cybersecurity are just a few of the hot topics that TIA’s Market Review and Forecast covers.

  • Over the next few years and beyond we as an industry will experience an investment in communications infrastructures that will change the landscape of our industry. The accelerators for this investment are big data, the internet of things, fifth generation technologies, the list goes on. TIA’s Market Review and Forecast 2014 will illustrate markets trends, cite industry facts and help guide you into the network of the future.

  • TIA’s Market Review and Forecast for 2013 is ready to launch as glaring statistics in the technology sector permeate the document. Here to tell us more about what we can all expect in 2013 and over the next 4 years in the tech sector is Arthur Gruen of Wilkofsky Gruen Associates, Glen Hunt of Current Analysis and Ken Figueredo of Beecham Research.

    View a sample of the Major Trends Chapter here.

  • TIA’s 2013 Market Review and Forecast is ready to launch and no better time than on the heels of Mobile World Congress 2013. TIA NOW will be at Mobile World to capture the latest trends and products in the industry, and here to give us the latest on those market trends is TIA’s Senior Vice President, John Jacobs.

  • What’s your piece of this year’s $4.7T global information and communications technology industry pie? Is your company growing in the cloud? How does the build-out of data centers and network infrastructure affect your business? What role does M2M Technology and the Internet of Things have in your world?