All ITS Videos:

  • Mark Norman, Director of Development & Strategic Initiatives at the Transportation Research Board, spoke with TIA NOW about the challenging dynamics between the public and private sectors for the enablement of a robust connected and autonomous vehicle.

  • Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board, Neil Pedersen, spoke with TIA NOW about the primary tenets and goals of TRB and what impact it has in the connected vehicle sector.

  • As people spend as much time in their cars as they do on the internet, the connected car space is transitioning very quickly. At the TIA 2015 Network of the Future conference, Russ Shields, the Chair of the ITU organized Collaboration on ITS Communications Standards explained why drivers are holding connected vehicle manufacturers to a higher standard.

  • The Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s GoMentum Station Summit will co-locate with TIA’s Connected and Autonomous Vehicle workshop in Silicon Valley on March 30th and 31st. Randell H. Iwasaki of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and Scott Belcher, CEO of TIA, tell TIA NOW why these events are a can't miss.

  • TIA’s New Year’s Resolutions in 2015 focus on topics and issues in the ICT industry that impact our members and the industry. This year there is no shortage of challenges to face in the technology and policy spaces - and TIA’s CEO, Scott Belcher, is front and center to give us his resolutions and predictions for the ICT sector.