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    Enhancing the experience of sports fans is high on the list for developers of 5G. How will fans get an immersive experience? What role will AI play in giving fans a reason to cheer? Jonathan Levine, Managing Director of Business Development at Intel Sports, Emili Planas, CTO of MediaPro and Jason Elliott, 5G Market Development for Nokia tell TIA NOW’s Clarence Reynolds what’s next in immersive media tech.

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  • This session featuring Ken Stewart, Intel Fellow and Chief Wireless Technologist at Intel and Tod Sizer, Head of Mobile Radio Research at Nokia Bell Labs will take an in-depth look at the enabling technologies for 5G, including small cells/DAS, massive MIMO, mmWave, self-backhauling dynamic networks, full-duplex, multi-radio integration, amongst others, as well as consider best practices and strategies to deploy these technologies.

  • At the TIA 2015 Network of the Future Conference, Sandro Tavares, Head of Marketing, Mobile Core at Nokia Networks, tells TIA NOW why network agility - to scale and innovate - is the primary driver for Cloud technologies.

  • What are operators doing to reduce the demands on their macro networks? Kai Sahala of Nokia and Greg Friesen of DragonWave tell us what we need to know.
