tia 2014 studio

All tia 2014 studio Videos:

  • What are the global trends that impact economies, companies and networks? Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with Dr. Tassu Shervani, Marilyn & Leo Professor of the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University.

  • Are Big Data Ethics a solution to the growing privacy issues around data analytics? And what government regulations regarding data analytics should our industry be aware of? Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with Jonathan King, VP of Cloud Strategy & Development at CenturyLink.

  • How is AT&T’s network and IT infrastructure going to transform in the coming years and what are some of the requirements to adapt to AT&T’s Domain 2.0 initiative? Join TIA NOW as they speak with AT&T’s President of Supply Chain and Fleet Operations, Tim Harden.

  • Can your service be replicated by others, especially in his age of open platforms, sourcing and standards? Join TIA NOW as they speak with Franklin Flint, Global Telecom Strategist & Marketing Director at Dell OEM Solutions; Sandra Rivera, Director of Market Development for the Communications and Storage Infrastructure Group at Intel and Darrell Jordan-Smith, Head of Communications & Media Vertical at Red Hat.

  • 5G, SDN liabilities and information sharing are all topics that Verizon touches on at TIA 2014 as TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad speaks with Ed Chan, SVP of Network Infrastructure Planning at Verizon.

  • How can we eliminate location constraints for workloads, storage and users? Find out with Steve Riley, Deputy CTO at RiverBed, as he speaks with TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad at TIA 2014.

  • There’s been a lot of talk about SDN and NFV technologies being leveraged in virtual data centers and cloud services. But SDN and NFV can also optimize networks to allow them to use their bandwidth more efficiently. Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with David Heard, President of Network and Service Enablement at JDSU.

  • Globally, fixed and mobile operators continue to be challenged to deliver massive increases in capacity and coverage to service the broadband needs of mobile and residential consumers as well as businesses, who are demanding higher bandwidth services.

  • Panasonic is doing things big and small in IoT. Join TIA NOW as they speak with Todd Rytting, CTO at Panasonic North America at TIA 2014.

  • Security is not just an add on appliance, says Don McCullough, Director of Strategic Communications at Ericsson at TIA 2014.

  • TIA NOW kicks off TIA's Network of the Future Conference with Franklin Flint of Dell, discussing the highlights of what to expect in the track sessions, keynotes and more.
