TIA data center workshop 2014

All TIA data center workshop 2014 Videos:

  • TIA’s Data Center Workshop covered topics around profitability, productivity and efficiency in the data center including sessions on, The New Economics of Data, New Architectures & Cabling in the Data Center and Cybersecurity in the Data Center. Guest speakers and presenters came from companies such as Google, Microsoft, CenturyLink, Dell, Sumitomo Electric Lightwave and many more.

  • Leaders from Microsoft and Dell tell us what we should know about our data centers, before we build them. Also, learn what technology and market trends are driving the need for high-density, high-performance solutions in the data center.

  • Enterprise IT specialists are seeing the benefits of outsourcing their data center management as everything as a service becomes more available. But how much of your IT should you allow somebody else to manage and what kind of Cloud should you utilize? Join TIA NOW as we speak with David Bracaglia, the Director of Government Services at Henkels & McCoy.

  • As we try to reach greater speeds and capacities in data center cabling designs, what are the pros and cons of SMF vs. MMF? Patrick Van Vickle, Senior Manager of Product Design and Engineering at Sumitomo Electric Lightwave joins us in the TIA NOW studio to give us the latest on this topic.

  • Exploring the relationship between Cloud Computing and Data Center technologies as a symbiotic relationship is on this segment of TIA NOW. Joining the panel to tell us much more about the technologies and new business services growing out of Cloud Computing and the Data Center boom is Darrell Tanno of Solutions Reservoir and Lisa Huff of Discerning Analytics.