Fred Yentz

All Fred Yentz Videos:

  • TIA’s latest IoT white paper, co-sponsored by Interdigital and Telit and researched by Machina Research, reveals the coming importance of enterprise IoT - and the central role that systems integrators play in the commercial development and deployment of IoT services.

  • How is the process of implementing and deploying IoT solutions changing as IoT technologies go mainstream?

  • This documentary on IoT explores the obstacles that the communications ecosystem faces in the race to 20-30 billion connected devices. How are companies dealing with security, scale, cost and the fractured nature of the current IoT landscape? How will businesses leverage the power of data analytics, when not all data is valuable? And how will 5G and standards play a role in the IoT revolution?

  • At CTIA 2016, TIA NOW spoke with Fred Yentz, CEO of Telit IoT Platforms, about their approach to keeping IoT pervasive in the telco industry.

  • Watch this TIA NOW segment with industry and academia about who benefits from IoT - from the maker community, systems integrator community and enterprise community.

  • Fred Yentz, President and CEO of Telit IoT Platforms, tells the TIA 2016 conference attendees how IoT has evolved in the last 15 years. Now, Yentz is looking into the platform of platforms market and adds that there is no silver bullet to solve the complexity of IoT technologies.

  • What business drivers are pushing this evolution of the wearables IoT ecosystem and the Industrial Internet? How are business operations and offerings being transformed, as the Industrial Internet and the wearables IoT ecosystem grows? Here in the Dell TIA NOW studio to discuss are IoT experts from National Instruments, Zebra Technologies, SAP and Telit IoT Platforms.

  • The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), sometimes referred to as Industry 4.0, is revolutionizing manufacturing. Connecting assets throughout the industrial value chain that provides complete operational visibility to allow for real-time decision making and improved levels of quality and efficiency as well as new service opportunities. Here to tell us more about Industry 4.0 is Fred Yentz, CEO of Telit IoT Platforms.

  • In order to connect and support 50 to 70 billion sensors in the next decade, enterprise stakeholders in the IoT value chain need to adopt IoT platforms to achieve MNO scale, and soon achieve the MNO route to market. In the Dell TIA NOW studio at MWC 2016 to tell us how IoT platforms are paving the way for IoT and enterprise scalability are leaders from Verizon, Cisco, Intel and Telit IoT Platforms.

  • ILS Technology, a Telit Company, and Tennant Company present a use case for implementing IoT in indoor and outdoor cleaning equipment.

  • Joining us now to discuss use cases in the IoT ecosystem is Fred Yentz, President and CEO of ILS Technology, a Telit Company. And joining him is Paul Wellman, CIO of Tennant Company.

  • Telit Wireless Solutions, a global enabler of the Internet of the Things (IoT), recently announced a collaboration with the Google Cloud Platform to launch the first IoT Big Data Challenge, a competition aimed at promoting and accelerating innovation around the Internet of Things.

  • The "Internet of Things” is about to take on billions of low and high bandwidth devices, but are service providers and operators considering the barriers to entry in the IoT space? From CTIA 2014, we would like to welcome leaders in the ICT space on this roundtable discussion including Dinesh Sharma, Director of Marketing for IoT at SAP, Fred Yentz, CEO of ILS Technology- a Telit company and Ron Westfall, Research Director at Current Analysis.

  • The standards are real, the market is real and the opportunity is real for IoT, said Fred Yentz, CEO of ILS Technology, a Telit company, at the TIA 2014 conference.


    "How is M2M enabling business to work better," said Fred Yentz at the TIA NOW desk during the TIA 2013 conference is Washington DC. "M2M workshops help the industry understand that M2M is not hard," said Yentz.

