Patent Holder Statements

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File Formats for Multimedia Services for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems

Patent Holder Information

Nortel Networks
2221 Lakeside Blvd.

Richardson, TX 75082

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Patent Holder Statement Selections:

b) A license under any Essential Patent(s) or published pending patent application(s) held by the undersigned company will be made available under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination to applicants only and to the extent necessary for the practice of the TIA Publication.

The commitment to license above selected will be made available only on a reciprocal basis. The term ‘reciprocal’ means that the licensee is willing to license the licensor in compliance with either (2a) or (2b) above as respects the practice of the TIA Publication.

Exhibit A (PDF or MS Word Document):  (none)

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