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What will define 5G is coming into focus. The need for an effective standards process, that will represent the varied stakeholders, is critical. TIA NOW discusses this process and shows a working demo of 3 future capabilities of 5G.
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FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel mapped out her five point plan for next generation technologies, as she delivered a keynote address at the TIA 2016 Network of the Future Conference in Dallas, TX. Rosenworcel pointed out in the plan the need for higher bands of spectrum, unlicensed spectrum usage, experimental technologies and the need for wired networks.
FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel talks about her five point plan for next generation networking technologies, from the Dell TIA NOW studio at the TIA 2016 Network of the Future Conference. The plan includes a focus on future FCC rulings, low band spectrum, unlicensed spectrum, experimental licenses and the importance of wired networks.
Following his win at the TIA ICT Startup Challenge at the TIA 2016 conference, we spoke with Dr. Eric Black, CTO of Pivotal Communications, about the technology behind their win: holographic beam forming in the RF space.
There are clear expectations of the all IP network, like new services, increased service velocity and cost reduction. So how do technologies like RAN, modular interface and service configuration facilitate these new expectations? Here in the Dell TIA NOW studio at TIA 2016 is Aparna Khurjekar, VP of Networks for the South Area at Verizon Wireless to give us some insight into these technologies.
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On this segment of TIA’s Network of the Future Interview Series is Dr. Eric Black, Chief Technology Officer at Pivotal Communications. Dr. Black talks about alternatives to MIMO and massive MIMO systems from a cost perspective.
What’s the best way to densify the 5G wireless network while ensuring proper connectivity and content delivery, together with positive ROI? That’s what TIA NOW’s 5G series will answer in 2016, as we speak with leaders in the 5G space. On this segment, we welcome Tod Sizer, Mobile Radio Research Lead at Nokia Bell Labs and Peter Jarich, VP of Consumer and Infrastructure at Current Analysis.
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On this week's Network of the Future interview series, TIA NOW speaks with Bill Beesley, Principal Solutions Architect for Packet Optical Networking, at Fujitsu Network Communications. Beesley explains the relationship between NFV and the rise of 5G technologies, from the standardization of APIs to future trends in 5G and NFV.
Register today for TIA 2016: Network of the Future, where the communications ecosystem comes together to dream, share and discover pathways to solve the need for ubiquitous connectivity for consumers, enterprise and government. This year we focus on 5G Network Innovations, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, and Network Virtualization – exploring the markets, technologies and policy issues for each. Keynotes include executives from AT&T, Verizon, Red Hat, Comcast, Cisco and more.
5G is not as far off as we might think. Samsung Networks has been aggressively moving towards real-world development of 5G systems, and they are only about a year away from actual deployment. Woojune Kim, Magnus Ojert and Derek Johnston of Samsung Networks give some interesting details about their work on 5G in the US and Korea.
It’s always best to wrap up MWC at the very end of the show with the analysts that were front and center with the carriers and suppliers that we all want to hear from. The analysts joining us discuss 5G, edge computing, narrow-band IoT, NFV, virtual reality and new revenue streams for carriers.
From MWC 2016, TIA NOW, Samsung and Verizon discuss 5G test trials and how standards are already being developed for a technology that promises one hundred times the speed of our current networks and one thousand times the capacity. Joining us is Ed Chan, SVP of Technology Strategy and Planning at Verizon and Woojune Kim, VP and Head of Next-Generation Business and Products at Samsung Networks.
From Mobile World Congress 2016, TIA NOW discusses 5G test trials with Telstra’s Chief Technology Officer, Vish Nandlall, and Ericsson’s Senior Vice President and Group CTO Ulf Ewaldsson, to deepen our understanding of the latest innovations, architectures and use cases important to 5G.
Tom Keathley, Senior Vice President of Wireless Network Architecture and Design at AT&T joins TIA NOW to talk about what network operators need for 5G technologies.
TIA’s CTO Council Industry Panel with telecom industry leaders was filmed following TIA’s CTO Council meeting and preceding Dell World 2015 in Austin, TX. The panelists from Dell, Ericsson, Intel and Juniper Networks discussed the future of IoT and NFV on next-generation networks.
TIA NOW spoke to industry leaders on a live video panel discussing the results of TIA's 5G Operator Survey and White Paper. The 5G operator survey provides guidance to the industry on spectrum, technology, timeliness and potential services for 5G.