bob dix

All bob dix Videos:

  • What is the state of play for Cybersecurity and what's the next generation of threats? Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with Bob Dix, VP of Global Government Affairs & Public Policy at Juniper Networks.

  • CISPA makes an encore appearance after the 2013 SOTU address. President Barack Obama recently signed an executive order putting the wheels in motion for a voluntary cybersecurity Framework of standards for information sharing between public and private sectors. TIA NOW talks with Bob Dix, VP of Govt. Affairs and Critical Infrastructure Protection at Juniper Networks about how this Framework will impact the ICT industry.

  • This edition of “The List” will drill down the details of the impending Executive Order on cybersecurity by President Barack Obama. On the show to give us his perspective on what is truth and what is tale about the administration’s "EO" is Bob Dix, Vice President of Government Affairs & Critical Infrastructure Protection at Juniper Networks.