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Gee Rittenhouse, SVP of Engineering for Cisco’s Security Business Group, tells us why protecting the communications network and millions of connected devices is now a security concern that cuts across dozens of technologies and verticals.
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In President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address, he focused on the importance of broadband, increased cybersecurity, expanding markets and fostering competition. TIA’s CEO, Scott Belcher, recognizes these positive steps forward, but makes a rebuttal to the President’s support of the reclassification of broadband as a Title II utility.
What are TIA’s solution sets and how are they delivering value through markets, technology and policy? John Jacobs, Vice President of Membership, Market Development and Industry Relations at TIA says solution sets are important to apply to our businesses as our industry continues to change and evolve.
Why the U.S. outperformed the EU in telecom spending, along with other findings, is part of TIA's ICT Market Review & Forecast, giving fresh data and comprehensive analysis for the ICT industry. Growth in Cloud services, M2M and Cybersecurity are just a few of the hot topics that TIA’s Market Review and Forecast covers.
What is the state of play for Cybersecurity and what's the next generation of threats? Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with Bob Dix, VP of Global Government Affairs & Public Policy at Juniper Networks.
Over the next few years and beyond we as an industry will experience an investment in communications infrastructures that will change the landscape of our industry. The accelerators for this investment are big data, the internet of things, fifth generation technologies, the list goes on. TIA’s Market Review and Forecast 2014 will illustrate markets trends, cite industry facts and help guide you into the network of the future.
Join TIA NOW, Bloomberg BNA and Communications Daily as they discuss the recent announcement by the U.S. Dept. Of Commerce on Internet governance. Also, net neutrality loses little steam as industry stakeholders gear up for what could be a challenging road ahead.
It’s time again for the release of TIA’s Innovation Agenda. This years agenda will focus on the drivers for innovation like broadband, spectrum, trade and much more. Join TIA NOW as the talk with TIA’s VP and General Counsel of Government Affairs at TIA about this years innovation agenda.
It's time once again for TIA's annual Spring Policy Summit in Cambridge, MD on April 11th-13th. The 15th annual SPS event will host industry and government to find solutions and create thought leadership. Topics will include trade, spectrum and the Internet of Things.
Join TIA NOW live with Paul Barbagallo of Bloomberg BNA and Kate Tummarello of The Hill as they discuss the latest on spectrum, cybersecurity, net neutrality and much more.
John Weiler, Managing Director of the Information Technology Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC), tells TIA NOW that the inability for the federal government to acquire IT systems in 6 months is a national security threat.
General Keith Alexander, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, National Security Agency tells TIA 2013 audience how he plans to protect the civil liberties, privacy and security of the United States..
TIA NOW speaks with TIA's policy directors about policy issues including trade, spectrum, FCC nominations, cybersecurity and immigration.
What can we expect from Congress over the next two weeks? From the spectrum sharing executive order to the nomination hearing for new FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler, TIA NOW will stay on top of the latest ICT topics.
How can M2M and security providers collaborate to develop and deliver secure solutions? What does the value chain look like today and how can we work together to simplify the process for corporate adopters?
What impact will the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) and recent executive order on cybersecurity have on M2M solutions? What steps will solution providers need to take to ensure compliance? This policy roundtable features speakers from NIST, FTC and Juniper Networks.