internet of things

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    In this video panel from Nest headquarters in Palo Alto, CA, IoT security experts from VMware, Nest, NIST and Palo Alto Networks weigh in on consumer IoT and security. How do you balance the plug-and-play functionality of consumer IoT with network layer security?

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  • Paul Scardino, SVP of Sales Engineering and Marketing at Globecomm, speaks with Abe Nejad of TIA NOW about the challenges of monitoring, tracking and controlling containers on maritime vessels. Scardino talks further about the business opportunities around being a managed communications service provider.

  • From TIA's Connectivity Jam here in Dallas, TX, TIA NOW discussed the application of technology with Hakan Kostepen, Executive Director, Product Planning Strategy & Innovation at Panasonic.

  • TIA's Connectivity Jam, June 5-7 in Dallas, is a highly interactive and outcomes-focused executive conference. Senior executives and technologists will collaborate to solve the connectivity industry’s tough challenges, and walk away with an IDC Analyst Report from their work during the conference. John Jackson, Research Vice President at IDC, and Limor Schafman, Content Development Director at TIA, discuss how this event is different from other conferences, who should attend, and how participants will benefit from attending.

  • At ONS 2017, Raghuram Parvataneni, Specialist at Verizon, speaks with Abe Nejad about how IoT and increased data consumption is making the process of creating intelligent networks more challenging. Parvataneni also talks about machine learning and its role in creating intelligent networks.

  • Sam Greenblatt, CTO of Nano Global talks about how open source can treat diseases through cell-based analysis, at the molecular level. Greenblatt also discusses how open source can optimize data flows, open networking and databases for the needs of cell-based and real-time analysis.

  • Telit demonstrates the first end-to-end data communications call on narrow band IoT over the air, at Mobile World Congress 2017.

  • TIA is putting particular emphasis on accelerating next-generation networks to support 5G, IoT and NFV technologies. These initiatives include TIA’s tower standards committee that supports the future of 5G connectivity, TIA’s cabling infrastructure committee that creates real synergies with wireless infrastructures, and TIA’s Industry Advisory Group - called oneM2M - which is integral to the IoT sector. On this Innovating Standards to tell us more is Brenda Boehm, Chief Strategy Officer and EVP of Technology and Products at TIA and Stephanie Montgomery, VP of Technology and Standards at TIA.

  • Alon Segal, CTO at Telit, talks about how edge computing supports IoT use cases, specifically in the Industrial IoT space, on his segment from MWC 2017.

  • Scott Puopolo, EVP at iconectiv, spoke with TIA NOWs Abe Nejad at MWC 2017 about the implications of identity fraud for carriers and what they can do to leverage iconectiv’s expertise to protect connectivity and data.

  • Mark Norman, Director of Development & Strategic Initiatives at the Transportation Research Board, spoke with TIA NOW about the challenging dynamics between the public and private sectors for the enablement of a robust connected and autonomous vehicle.

  • Shailen Bhatt, Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Transportation, talks about vehicle connectivity research areas like vehicle to infrastructure, vehicle to vehicle, security, privacy and standards in the CV/AV space.

  • Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board, Neil Pedersen, spoke with TIA NOW about the primary tenets and goals of TRB and what impact it has in the connected vehicle sector.

  • Paul Greendyk, Vice President of Mobile Core and Network Services at AT&T speaks with TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad about AT&T's 5G roadmap, 5G field trials and 5G labs.

  • Dell EMC is helping their customers move compute, capacity and capabilities to the edge of the network, as traditional IT functions quickly migrate into the service provider community. This migration allows telecom operators, cloud service providers and managed service providers to unlock new use cases by leveraging IoT technologies.

  • NTIA policy analyst Travis Hall speaks with TIA NOW about the policy challenges around developing IoT technologies.
