open networking

All open networking Videos:

  • AT&T is quickly emerging as a tentpole in the ICT industry’s drive toward virtualization. Andre Fuetsch, Chief Technology Officer of AT&T and President of AT&T Labs, joins TIA NOW to discuss how the company’s open network mission will drive the 5G era.

  • Sam Greenblatt, CTO of Nano Global talks about how open source can treat diseases through cell-based analysis, at the molecular level. Greenblatt also discusses how open source can optimize data flows, open networking and databases for the needs of cell-based and real-time analysis.

  • Dell’s VP and Chief Research Officer, Jai Menon, tells the TIA 2015 attendees why industry should take full advantage of open networking. As we migrate to open networking and COTS hardware, vendors are finding new ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors.