An agile communications network can’t operate without an open-source cloud computing software platform. Darrell Jordan-Smith, Head of the Communications and Media Vertical at Red Hat, Franklin Flint, Global Telecommunications Strategist & Marketing Director at Dell OEM Solutions and John Healy, General Manager of the SDN Division at Intel tell us more about their open source cloud solutions for the telecommunications vertical.
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Martin Casado, SVP and GM of VMWare's Networking and Security Business Unit, tells TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad about the next moves for SDN technologies.
TIA President Grant Seiffert invites attendees to TIA’s Network of the Future 2014 conference in Dallas, TX on June 3rd through 5th. The Network of the Future Conference will cover topics like 5G, Internet of Things, Big Data and SDN.
Dell is going with the "open approach" to network functions virtualization, and their partnership with RedHat is focused on optimizing NFV with OpenStack.
TIA NOW's host sponsor at Mobile World Congress 2014 talks about their announcement with Red Hat for the proliferation of NFV technologies in the industry.
Intel and NSN are leading the industry towards the edge of the network. Watch TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad and luminaries from Intel and NSN talk about the next wave of innovation on the edge.
What should attendees look forward to at Mobile World Congress 2014? 5G, the connected car, SDN and NFV will be the headliners at MWC 2014 and all of these technologies have a direct impact on our network. Join TIA NOW as they preview the biggest mobile event of the year.
New NFV technologies, security issues and spectrum sharing capabilities are all topics that CTOs and CIOs are discussing and debating. TIA's CTO Council Roundtable 2013 in Austin, TX included all of these topics and more. TIA NOW was there in conjunction with host sponsor Dell OEM Solutions.
Martin Casado, the inventor of Openflow talks to TIA NOW about how the enterprise is changing with the adoption of SDN.
Chris Koeneman, Vice President of sales for ADTRAN's BlueSocket enterprise networks division, talks network virtualization and has the most unusual description of an SDN/NFV Venn diagram.
James Feger, VP of Network Strategy and Development at CenturyLink, tells TIA NOW, not so fast on SDN.
James Feger, VP Network Strategy & Development at CenturyLink tells the TIA 2013 attendees about the development of CenturyLink as a provider.
Network architectures are experiencing tectonic shifts and industry is following suit as software and hardware companies are integrating new technologies called software defined networking and network function virtualization. Join TIA NOW as they talk with industry luminaries from Intel and Dell while streaming live from the TIA 2013 conference
The software-defined networking movement is here. So what will our world look like when we are SDN enabled? The Future of the Network will soon be virtualized as changing cloud architectures and growing business needs require a flexible network environment. But how will industry gain a competitive advantage with SDN? How will the impact of SDN on the network change the way we do business? The Future of the Network is always changing. Where will you be when it does?
David Walsh, President, CEO & Chairman of GENBAND discusses the major disruptions facing the ICT industry from the growing interest and adoption of the cloud, SDN and webRTC.