software-defined networking

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  • Leveraging more programmable networks based on SDN principles that support an operator's need to grow their business is what these panelists discuss with TIA NOW from TIA's Connectivity Jam.

All software-defined networking Videos:

  • Hassan Ahmed, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Affirmed Networks, talks to TIA NOW about the promises of NFV including a 70% reduced total cost of ownership. Ahmed says, "You are wasting money if you are not doing it [NFV]."

  • Kelly Herrell, Senior Vice President and General Manager of the Software Networking Business Unit at Brocade tells TIA NOW about the primary tenets of the New IP. Herrell also explains how SDN and NFV are components of the New IP as incumbents and disruptors transform their networks into software defined architectures.

  • Guido Appenzeller, Chief Technology Strategy Officer of the Networking & Security Business Unit at Vmware, tells TIA NOW why the mechanics of SDN is not the hot topic anymore. Now, the industry wants to know the true impact of virtualized networks on the future of existing and emerging markets. Appenzeller is one of the pioneers of SDN technology protocols and architectures, spanning back to his days as a professor at Stanford University working on the OpenFlow development project.

  • Andre Fuetsch, Senior Vice President of Architecture and Design at AT&T, tells TIA NOW how AT&T is reacting to the 100 petabytes of data surging across its network pipes. SDN and NFV technologies are drastically changing the way operators approach the data deluge and Fuetsch sees the opportunities in these new technologies.

  • from Events

  • Virtual test beds that measure the degrees of automation for NFV orchestrated networks are blanketing the industry. TIA NOW talked with one of the pioneers of virtual networking, Martin Casado, inventor of OpenFlow, an enabler of software defined networking, and also the SVP and GM of the Networking and Security Business Unit at VMWare.

  • Jayanta Dey, CTO of Global Media and Telecom at Wipro, tells TIA NOW about the digital transformation and how SDN and NFV will move the needle forward for industry and consumers.

  • In the Dell TIA NOW studio at TIA 2014 to talk about NFV deployment is Sandra Rivera, Director of Market Development for Communications Storage and Infrastructure Group at Intel.

  • Can your service be replicated by others, especially in his age of open platforms, sourcing and standards? Join TIA NOW as they speak with Franklin Flint, Global Telecom Strategist & Marketing Director at Dell OEM Solutions; Sandra Rivera, Director of Market Development for the Communications and Storage Infrastructure Group at Intel and Darrell Jordan-Smith, Head of Communications & Media Vertical at Red Hat.

  • There’s been a lot of talk about SDN and NFV technologies being leveraged in virtual data centers and cloud services. But SDN and NFV can also optimize networks to allow them to use their bandwidth more efficiently. Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with David Heard, President of Network and Service Enablement at JDSU.

  • Martin Casado, SVP and GM of VMWare's Networking and Security Business Unit, tells TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad about the next moves for SDN technologies.

  • Intel is an ecosystem enabler, said Sandra Rivera, Marketing Director of the Communications & Storage Infrastructure Group at Intel. TIA NOW talked to Rivera at TIA 2013 about the importance of Intel's technologies in the network.

  • Network architectures are experiencing tectonic shifts and industry is following suit as software and hardware companies are integrating new technologies called software defined networking and network function virtualization. Join TIA NOW as they talk with industry luminaries from Intel and Dell while streaming live from the TIA 2013 conference

  • The software-defined networking movement is here. So what will our world look like when we are SDN enabled? The Future of the Network will soon be virtualized as changing cloud architectures and growing business needs require a flexible network environment. But how will industry gain a competitive advantage with SDN? How will the impact of SDN on the network change the way we do business? The Future of the Network is always changing. Where will you be when it does?

  • CTO of Radisys, Manish Singh, says SDN technologies are on the hype cycle, particularly around telecom. Watch TIA NOW as they continue to preview their documentary on SDN, to be released on September 10th, 2013.
