
All Spectrum Videos:

  • The FCC is currently considering proposed Net Neutrality rules intended to ensure the Internet remains open, focusing prominently on the Future of Video. Generating over a million comments to the FCC, few recent communications policy issues have generated such broad public scrutiny. Join TIA as we explore and clarify the issues at a Luncheon Roundtable.

  • Spectrum remains top of mind to keep the needle moving towards launching new infrastructures and maintaining existing networks. Planning ahead for commercial broadband usage is critical for the ICT industry and TIA continues to advocate for its members to ensure that networks continue to build out.

  • The spectrum community is converging in a way that they haven’t done before. Sharing of network and frequency bands is in the near future says Tom Stroup, CEO of the Shared Spectrum Company.

  • TIA’s Vice President & General Counsel, Government Affairs, Danielle Coffey talks to TIA NOW about the current "state of play” in the tech sector. Topics include: net neutrality, broadband reclassification, paid prioritization of broadband speeds, unlicensed vs licensed spectrum and spectrum bidding caps.

  • A big concern for the network of the future is the availability of spectrum. Is the solution a wider focus on optimizing the spectrum we currently have? TIA NOW talks to Steve Crowley, a consulting wireless engineer who was named by Forbes as a top 10 mobile influencer in the industry.

  • 5G wireless technologies will be upon us soon but who is shepherding the research and standards for 5G? Join TIA NOW as they speak with Afif Osseiran of Ericsson, who heads the effort for the EU project METIS on 5G research and standards.

  • It’s time again for the release of TIA’s Innovation Agenda. This years agenda will focus on the drivers for innovation like broadband, spectrum, trade and much more. Join TIA NOW as the talk with TIA’s VP and General Counsel of Government Affairs at TIA about this years innovation agenda.

  • It's time once again for TIA's annual Spring Policy Summit in Cambridge, MD on April 11th-13th. The 15th annual SPS event will host industry and government to find solutions and create thought leadership. Topics will include trade, spectrum and the Internet of Things.

  • Join TIA NOW live with Paul Barbagallo of Bloomberg BNA and Kate Tummarello of The Hill as they discuss the latest on spectrum, cybersecurity, net neutrality and much more.

  • Rangam Subramanian, Chief of Wireless Technology and Business Strategy at the Idaho National Laboratory talks with Abe Nejad of TIA NOW about security, spectrum sharing and standards.

  • New NFV technologies, security issues and spectrum sharing capabilities are all topics that CTOs and CIOs are discussing and debating. TIA's CTO Council Roundtable 2013 in Austin, TX included all of these topics and more. TIA NOW was there in conjunction with host sponsor Dell OEM Solutions.

  • TIA NOW speaks with TIA's policy directors about policy issues including trade, spectrum, FCC nominations, cybersecurity and immigration.

  • AT&T's President of Supply Chain and Fleet Operations, Tim Harden, talks to TIA NOW about supply chain issues from cybersecurity and vendor competition to spectrum and high-speed broadband deployment.

  • TIA's innovation agenda for 2013 helps guide the ICT industry for the coming year with trends, technology and policy. TIA's VP of Government Affairs, Danielle Coffey, gives the latest from the Hill on immigration, spectrum auctions, cyber developments, public safety and TIA's annual Spring Policy Summit on April 19-21st in Cambridge, MD.

  • Paul Steinberg, CTO of Motorola Solutions, told TIA NOW why public safety communications systems are in high demand and what challenges he finds when innovating and deploying public safety technologies.
