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    What will define 5G is coming into focus. The need for an effective standards process, that will represent the varied stakeholders, is critical. TIA NOW discusses this process and shows a working demo of 3 future capabilities of 5G.

All TIA Videos:

  • Dell's OEM partners and customers use Dell solutions to help their own customers flourish. TIA NOW walks through Dell customer use cases featuring ELM Energy implementing Dell’s IoT gateway solution in order to strengthen their microgrid. Included in this segment are interviews with Dell, Intel, ELM Energy, Pivot3, MangStor and V5 Systems.

  • Dermot O’Connell, Executive Director and General Manager of OEM and IOT Solutions EMEA at Dell, explains the benefits of Dell’s IoT gateways, giving several use cases in which customers were able to implement Dell’s IoT gateway solutions in order to solve a real world problem.

  • TIA’s CTO Council Industry Panel with telecom industry leaders was filmed following TIA’s CTO Council meeting and preceding Dell World 2015 in Austin, TX. The panelists from Dell, Ericsson, Intel and Juniper Networks discussed the future of IoT and NFV on next-generation networks.

  • Kishore Ramachandran, Professor of Computer Science at Georgia Tech, spoke to Abe Nejad of TIA NOW about the evolution of IoT, from Industrial M2M all the way to what we know now as the Internet of Everything.

  • TIA NOW spoke to industry leaders on a live video panel discussing the results of TIA's 5G Operator Survey and White Paper. The 5G operator survey provides guidance to the industry on spectrum, technology, timeliness and potential services for 5G.

  • Verizon’s Mark Bartolomeo, Vice President of IoT Connected Solutions, talks to Abe Nejad at TIA NOW about what accelerated the explosion of IoT. Bartolomeo spoke about the The Energy Act and Railroad Safety Act both being the impetus for the adoption of standards that influenced IoT.

  • Brian Witten, Senior Director of IoT Security for Symantec, tells TIA NOW about the current state of play between IoT and security. Witten says securing billions of connected devices is in the early stages, and security companies can catch up with the explosion of IoT by embedding security in devices during the manufacturing stage, and not regarding security as an add-on feature.

  • Establishing a benchmark for the user experience is the first step in measuring network quality for VoWiFi. Terry McCabe, Chief Technology Officer of Mobility at Mitel, says that measuring the customer’s perception of network quality is just as important.

  • Hassan Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer of Affirmed Networks tells TIA NOW how the CAPEX and OPEX benefits are just two of the drivers for NFV technologies. Ahmed adds that NFV has moved beyond the packet core and now into the IMS and Wi-Fi access space.

  • The emerging middle-enterprise space is not a high profile market, but requires in-building connectivity and public safety infrastructure just as much as large venues. Mike Collado, Vice President of Marketing for SOLiD Technologies, tells TIA NOW what a middleprise customer looks like and why industry should be focusing on this burgeoning market.

  • Watch Part 1 of this Telecommunications Video Series on tower safety and work quality, featuring OSHA, American Tower, MUTI Tower Service Company and TIA's TR-14 Chair.

  • Capacity is the most pressing issue for the proliferation of 5G technologies, according to communications industry analysts. Ira Brodsky, Senior Analyst with Datacomm Research, tells TIA NOW why the 5G capacity challenge is at the forefront of discussions about next generation wireless.

  • Connecting data is what the Internet of Everything is all about. Andreas Mai, Cisco’s Director of Smart Connected Vehicles, spoke to TIA NOW about hyper-connectivity and what that means to the Internet of Cars space.

  • The National Defense Transportation Association’s 2015 Fall Meeting will connect military and industry logistics leaders to address high-impact topics, offer candid discussions from high-ranking government and industry speakers, and match seasoned professionals up with up-and-coming leaders. Rear Admiral Mark Buzby, now the President of the NDTA spoke to TIA NOW about the fall meeting on September 28-30, in D.C.

  • Today is the signing of the Friendship Agreement between TIA and the Project 25 Technology Interest Group (PTIG). TIA NOW spoke with the key figures signing the agreement: Del Smith, Chairman of PTIG, Stephen Nichols, Director of PTIG and Stephanie Montgomery, Vice President of Technology and Standards at TIA.
