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    What will define 5G is coming into focus. The need for an effective standards process, that will represent the varied stakeholders, is critical. TIA NOW discusses this process and shows a working demo of 3 future capabilities of 5G.

All TIA Videos:

  • In President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address, he focused on the importance of broadband, increased cybersecurity, expanding markets and fostering competition. TIA’s CEO, Scott Belcher, recognizes these positive steps forward, but makes a rebuttal to the President’s support of the reclassification of broadband as a Title II utility.

  • TIA’s New Year’s Resolutions in 2015 focus on topics and issues in the ICT industry that impact our members and the industry. This year there is no shortage of challenges to face in the technology and policy spaces - and TIA’s CEO, Scott Belcher, is front and center to give us his resolutions and predictions for the ICT sector.

  • TIA is known for their work as a standards development organization in the telecom industry - and is plugging their members into what standards work will be done in the coming year. Join TIA NOW as they kick off 2015 with Stephanie Montgomery, Acting VP of Technology and Standards at TIA.

  • TIA CEO Scott Belcher weighs in on the net neutrality debate on Bloomberg TV's “In The Loop.”

  • TIA’s Data Center Workshop covered topics around profitability, productivity and efficiency in the data center including sessions on, The New Economics of Data, New Architectures & Cabling in the Data Center and Cybersecurity in the Data Center. Guest speakers and presenters came from companies such as Google, Microsoft, CenturyLink, Dell, Sumitomo Electric Lightwave and many more.

  • Leaders from Microsoft and Dell tell us what we should know about our data centers, before we build them. Also, learn what technology and market trends are driving the need for high-density, high-performance solutions in the data center.

  • Scott Belcher, CEO of the Telecommunications Industry Association, says the AWS-3 auction was a “smashing success,” and congratulates those involved in generating $40 billion in revenue. Next on the FCC’s agenda is the broadband spectrum auction, expected to commence in 2016.

  • Enterprise IT specialists are seeing the benefits of outsourcing their data center management as everything as a service becomes more available. But how much of your IT should you allow somebody else to manage and what kind of Cloud should you utilize? Join TIA NOW as we speak with David Bracaglia, the Director of Government Services at Henkels & McCoy.

  • What are TIA’s solution sets and how are they delivering value through markets, technology and policy? John Jacobs, Vice President of Membership, Market Development and Industry Relations at TIA says solution sets are important to apply to our businesses as our industry continues to change and evolve.

  • As we try to reach greater speeds and capacities in data center cabling designs, what are the pros and cons of SMF vs. MMF? Patrick Van Vickle, Senior Manager of Product Design and Engineering at Sumitomo Electric Lightwave joins us in the TIA NOW studio to give us the latest on this topic.

  • Exploring the relationship between Cloud Computing and Data Center technologies as a symbiotic relationship is on this segment of TIA NOW. Joining the panel to tell us much more about the technologies and new business services growing out of Cloud Computing and the Data Center boom is Darrell Tanno of Solutions Reservoir and Lisa Huff of Discerning Analytics.

  • Scott Belcher, CEO of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks, responds to President Obama's statement endorsing the reclassification of the Internet as a Title II utility.

  • The data center landscape is changing rapidly and so are the regulatory questions and concerns around how that data will be transferred from one country to another. Here to tell us more about the challenges and solutions for cross border data flows is Danielle Coffey, VP & General Counsel of Government Affairs at TIA.

  • TIA’s TR-42 standards committee on Commercial Buildings Telecommunications Cabling is busier than ever on a number of fronts including alignment of U.S. and international standards, the Cat 6 consortium, and new cabling standards and guidelines that support speeds up to 100Gbit/s. Join TIA NOW as we speak with Stephanie Montgomery, Sr. Director of Technology and Standards at TIA.

  • Every technology we have today has to overcome the problems created by the [wireless network] channel, said Dr. Michael Dellomo of RF Academics. Dr. Dellomo and Dr. Rikin Thakker of RF Academics will present the Wireless and Cellular Network Workshops at TIA headquarters in Arlington, VA starting on December 3.
