Vish Nandlall

All Vish Nandlall Videos:

  • From Mobile World Congress 2016, TIA NOW discusses 5G test trials with Telstra’s Chief Technology Officer, Vish Nandlall, and Ericsson’s Senior Vice President and Group CTO Ulf Ewaldsson, to deepen our understanding of the latest innovations, architectures and use cases important to 5G.

  • Cloud and data center providers are keeping pace with the demand for data but how do you manage and orchestrate your network to scale up or down with the demand? At Mobile World Congress 2015, TIA NOW covered the management and orchestration of the hyperscale clouds with Red Hat's CEO Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat’s Chief Technologist Chris Wright and Telstra’s CTO Vish Nandlall.

  • How do you manage economies of scale for Telcos as more developers use the network as a marketplace? Join TIA NOW as they speak with Dr. Vish Nandlall, CTO of Ericsson North America.

  • A world of things- with mobility as the backplane and the Cloud as its destination- for the 2020 network is what Vish Nandlall, CTO of Ericsson North America depicted to the attendees at the TIA 2014 Conference.

  • Software-Defined Networking is weaving its way into the fabric of our industry. Vish Nandlall, CTO of Ericsson North America, tells us what we should expect from the new frontier of SDN.