Chris Wright

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  • The explosive growth of internet traffic has disrupted the technology industry, threatening to clog telecom networks… unless a new, scalable approach is implemented. This documentary explores the evolution of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and the hurdles faced when switching from infrastructure-heavy, legacy networks to virtualized networks.

All Chris Wright Videos:

  • Focusing on the end solution and application - enabled by network orchestration, automation and service assurance - is just one thing that Chris Wright, VP and Chief Technologist at Red Hat is tasked with. He spoke with TIA NOW about the progress around containers, container networking and the open source community, from the Open Networking Summit 2017.

  • The explosive growth of internet traffic has disrupted the technology industry, threatening to clog telecom networks… unless a new, scalable approach is implemented. This documentary explores the evolution of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and the hurdles faced when switching from infrastructure-heavy, legacy networks to virtualized networks.

  • How far have we come to demonstrating and implementing an open, cloud-based NFV model to further support transformation within the telco industry? Joining us from MWC 2016 are Brian Higgins, VP of Network Planning at Verizon; Chris Wright, VP and Chief Technologist at Red Hat; Gee Rittenhouse, SVP and GM of the Cloud and Virtualization Group at Cisco and Drew Schulke, Executive Director of Next Generation Infrastructure at Dell.

  • Moving from network lock-in to open source for NFV is partly due to do the work of Jeff Baher, Sr. Director of NFV Solutions at Dell and Chris Wright, Chief Technologist at Red Hat. Supporting software-defined networks for storage, compute and network capabilities on an open network platform has new requirements. Telcos are more than willing to welcome an open cloud platform for network communications and to further explore the benefits of open source for NFV solutions.

  • Cloud and data center providers are keeping pace with the demand for data but how do you manage and orchestrate your network to scale up or down with the demand? At Mobile World Congress 2015, TIA NOW covered the management and orchestration of the hyperscale clouds with Red Hat's CEO Jim Whitehurst, Red Hat’s Chief Technologist Chris Wright and Telstra’s CTO Vish Nandlall.