TIA Blog


Lifetime Achievement Recognition for TIA Acoustics Experts

Presented at TIA HQ in Arlington, VA on November 4, TIA awarded 15 experts on the TR-41 on Performance and Accessibility for Communication Products Engineering Committee with total of 59 certificates. These TIA awards serve as an acknowledgement to the individuals and their companies for the numerous hours acoustic experts’ volunteers spent editing and leading editorial groups to publish 12 ANSI/TIA and TSB documents.

Certificate of appreciation was given to Mr. Randy Ivans, UL who led the working group of international safety standards and was involved with EIA/TIA standards activity since 1986 and Mr. Steve Whitesell, Whitesell Consulting LLC, who after 15 years of has retired as a chair of TR-41 engineering committee. In addition to  extraordinary leadership, Mr. Whitesell has contributed to over 150 standards.

Mr. Ivans and Mr. Whitesell demonstrated leadership, professionalism, integrity and made significant contributions toward standards development of the TIA TR-41 committee. TIA thanks them for their dedication to furthering standards for telecommunications.