Dave Ward

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    Are we closer to the starting line than the finish line of NFV? What should industry be focusing on at this stage of the NFV maturation cycle? These are questions that Dave Ward, CTO of Engineering and Chief Architect at Cisco spoke about from ONS 2017.

All Dave Ward Videos:

  • Are we closer to the starting line than the finish line of NFV? What should industry be focusing on at this stage of the NFV maturation cycle? These are questions that Dave Ward, CTO of Engineering and Chief Architect at Cisco spoke about from ONS 2017.

  • What is the best way to enable service providers to deploy virtual network functions at scale, and open opportunities for new revenues and a reduced time to market? An end-to-end NFV infrastructure solution is the answer, but it has to have the right ingredients. On this edition of TIA NOW’s NFV series, we explore a few ways to increase network optimization, reduce costs and deliver quick deployments, with Dave Ward, Chief Architect & CTO of Engineering at Cisco.