DC Beat

All DC Beat Videos:

  • On July 13, the FCC updated its Equipment Authorization rules to provide flexibility to manufacturers to use electronic labeling in lieu of a physical label or nameplate, and took steps to streamline the certification process for telecommunications equipment and devices imported into the United States. Julius Knapp, Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering Technology and Rashmi Doshi, Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering Technology Laboratory Division, dive into the agency's new e-labeling and device certification rules, and explain how it will benefit regulators, manufacturers, and consumers alike.

  • Two experts talk with TIA about how to negotiate a deal that will expand U.S. tech jobs. TIA’s K.C. Swanson speaks with Brownstein Hyatt’s Barry Jackson, former chief of staff to former House Speaker John Boehner, and Jen Sanford, Director of International Trade and Energy Policy at Cisco. They offer up thoughts on the outlook for modernizing NAFTA on a short timeline, what’s needed for an update, and why improving the deal matters for high-wage American jobs.

  • TIA’s Connected Vehicle Workshop invited the top technology and policy experts in the connected vehicle space. They discussed the policy, technology and business challenges for the connected car as providers, enterprises and consumers will see more IoT devices and services in their vehicles. Panelists included AT&T, Cisco, the State Dept. and the Association for Global Automakers.

  • Scott Belcher, CEO of the Telecommunications Industry Association, reacts to the FCC’s approval to regulate the Internet as a public utility.

  • UL’s Principal Engineer of Medical Software and Systems Interoperability, Anura Fernando, talked with TIA NOW about the tech and policy challenges in the telehealth space. This segment was filmed at TIA’s telehealth event focusing on the policy implications in the health vertical.

  • Qualcomm’s Program Manager for the telehealth space, Vickie Smith talked to TIA NOW about their expanding footprint in the telehealth sector. This segment was filmed at TIA’s telehealth event focusing on the policy implications in the health vertical.

  • Jerry Kolosky, Senior Healthcare Advisor for the Office of the CTO at Panasonic, spoke about how Congress can move the dial forward for the healthcare sector.

  • TIA CEO Scott Belcher weighs in on the net neutrality debate on Bloomberg TV's “In The Loop.”

  • Scott Belcher, CEO of the Telecommunications Industry Association, says the AWS-3 auction was a “smashing success,” and congratulates those involved in generating $40 billion in revenue. Next on the FCC’s agenda is the broadband spectrum auction, expected to commence in 2016.

  • Scott Belcher, CEO of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the leading association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of high-tech communications networks, responds to President Obama's statement endorsing the reclassification of the Internet as a Title II utility.

  • The data center landscape is changing rapidly and so are the regulatory questions and concerns around how that data will be transferred from one country to another. Here to tell us more about the challenges and solutions for cross border data flows is Danielle Coffey, VP & General Counsel of Government Affairs at TIA.

  • The FCC is currently considering proposed Net Neutrality rules intended to ensure the Internet remains open, focusing prominently on the Future of Video. Generating over a million comments to the FCC, few recent communications policy issues have generated such broad public scrutiny. Join TIA as we explore and clarify the issues at a Luncheon Roundtable.

  • Spectrum remains top of mind to keep the needle moving towards launching new infrastructures and maintaining existing networks. Planning ahead for commercial broadband usage is critical for the ICT industry and TIA continues to advocate for its members to ensure that networks continue to build out.

  • There are growing questions about where industry stands on net neutrality. TIA has a clear position on net neutrality and they answer important questions. Who dictates the rules of net neutrality? What is the significance of reclassifying the Internet under the FCC’s Telecom Act? How can industry benefit from the services offered by TIA’s Government Affairs office regarding net neutrality?

  • What is the state of play for Cybersecurity and what's the next generation of threats? Join TIA NOW at TIA 2014 as they speak with Bob Dix, VP of Global Government Affairs & Public Policy at Juniper Networks.
