Thierry Klein, Network Energy Research Program Leader at Bell Labs, gave the TIA 2014 attendees the answer to the question, “Can We Afford the Future of Communications?” Klein backed up his claims with the trends, opportunities and challenges in the energy sector.
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Zero energy is possible, said Thierry Klein, Network Energy Research program Leader at Bell Labs. Join TIA NOW as they talk to Thierry at TIA’s Network of the Future conference about the economics of energy usage for the technology industry.
Dr. Chih-Lin I, Chief Scientist of the China Mobile Research Institute tells the TIA 2013 attendees about how China Mobile is approaching energy efficiency.
Greening the ICT industry by a factor of 1,000 sounds incomprehensible to some but the GreenTouch Consortium contends it will be a reality. Join TIA NOW and the Chairman of GreenTouch, Thierry Van Landegem, to find out how he plans to lead the way in Green ICT.
The inaugural US-China ICT roundtable event hosted by the United States Information Technology Office (USITO) is an important step to converging two of the leading nations in ICT technology. Join TIA NOW as they speak with Matt Roberts, Managing Director of USITO.
Bill Huang, General Manager at the China Mobile Research Institute, spoke with TIA NOW about how ICT networks can both enable low carbon solutions as well as be implemented and used in sustainable ways.