Telecommunications Industry Association

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    What will define 5G is coming into focus. The need for an effective standards process, that will represent the varied stakeholders, is critical. TIA NOW discusses this process and shows a working demo of 3 future capabilities of 5G.

All Telecommunications Industry Association Videos:

  • Chris Greer, Senior Executive of Cyber Physical Systems at The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST), tells TIA NOW how frameworks and common standards can enable applications in verticals like smart cities. Find out about NIST’s Global City Teams Challenge, as Greer talks about its benefits from interoperability to replicability.

  • Is information sharing a reciprocal partnership between the private and public sector? Nneka Chiazor, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs at Verizon, tells TIA NOW how we can implement cyber risk management for our industry, through an automated portal of information sharing.

  • Security and privacy are paramount to foster consumer trust as we continue to connect millions of IoT devices. Terrell McSweeny, Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), spoke with TIA NOW from TIA’s recent Spring Policy Summit about these two critical topics, including the FTC’s security initiative program, which aims to educate consumers on the principles of reasonable security practices in a dynamic technology space.

  • Howard Symons, Vice Chair of the Incentive Auction Task Force at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), explains the mechanics of the impending incentive auction for broadcast spectrum, to be then later sold to wireless carriers. Mock auctions for spectrum bidders is the norm, according to Symons, but due to the novelty of this year’s incentive auction, the FCC will be hosting a practice auction for spectrum bidders.

  • From MWC 2016, TIA NOW, Samsung and Verizon discuss 5G test trials and how standards are already being developed for a technology that promises one hundred times the speed of our current networks and one thousand times the capacity. Joining us is Ed Chan, SVP of Technology Strategy and Planning at Verizon and Woojune Kim, VP and Head of Next-Generation Business and Products at Samsung Networks.

  • It’s always best to wrap up MWC at the very end of the show with the analysts that were front and center with the carriers and suppliers that we all want to hear from. The analysts joining us discuss 5G, edge computing, narrow-band IoT, NFV, virtual reality and new revenue streams for carriers.

  • As NFV becomes a reality, the telco industry is now filling the gaps to realize the full potential of Network Functions Virtualization. TIA’s NFV initiatives will work to fill those gaps so carriers and service providers can feel confident that the components they launch today, will be compatible 5 years from now.

  • How far have we come to demonstrating and implementing an open, cloud-based NFV model to further support transformation within the telco industry? Joining us from MWC 2016 are Brian Higgins, VP of Network Planning at Verizon; Chris Wright, VP and Chief Technologist at Red Hat; Gee Rittenhouse, SVP and GM of the Cloud and Virtualization Group at Cisco and Drew Schulke, Executive Director of Next Generation Infrastructure at Dell.

  • Bringing ecosystems together is what’s important as devices are not the only technologies that need privacy and security. Devices and people need to be connected and, with an unreliable network, the connectivity challenge could be at risk. Mike Short, Vice President of Public Affairs for Telefonica, tells the TIA NOW audience how real discussions around network security has found a place in the industry.

  • DevOps is no longer limited to the FANG companies (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google) in Silicon Valley, but now telcos are finding the value of leveraging the DevOps methodology. "DevOps is cultural shift about how we develop and deploy applications,” said Pierre Olivier Mathis, Director of Telco Global Solutions at Red Hat. Mathis says that telcos need help in transitioning from the old world to the new world, before they lose their market share to the over-the-top players.

  • Sports stadiums and crowded shopping malls often require peak capacity from their network to support thousands of high bandwidth devices. But now network topologies are less cost prohibitive to provision and build with NFV and virtualization technologies. Linsey Miller, Vice President of Marketing for Artesyn, tells TIA NOW how C-RAN and vRAN are changing the way we provision our networks.

  • Dell's CTO and VP of Technology Strategy Paul Struhsaker joins us to wrap up MWC 2016. Struhsaker talks about what new trends and insights came out at this event and what to expect in the coming year for the tech industry.

  • The edge represents a huge market opportunity. Tier 1 venues, the middleprise and outdoor urban are all in play. But they all have unique cycles and market drivers - so where are we placing our bets? What problems need to be solved and who plays a role in solving them?

  • Network transformation to pure IP networks is a challenge that cuts across the communications technology industry. From service providers to enterprise and carriers, moving towards a software-based network needs a bit of hand holding. So where do you begin and what are the partnerships that you will need to invest in to go all IP? At Mobile World Congress 2016, GENBAND and their partners HPE, Intel and Wind River help guide industry down the path to becoming all IP.

  • Moving from mobility to applications for mobility is what a large part of Mobile World Congress 2016 is all about, said Paul Struhsaker, CTO and VP of Technology for Dell. Strushaker adds that sourcing the right vendor partners is very important to launching the right IoT solution for your customers.
