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    What were some of the significant industry movements in 2017? What did we learn and how can we use that knowledge? Will legislation speed or slow the move toward 5G? And what trends should we look for next year? Industry analysts weigh in with their predictions on this edition of TIA NOW.

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  • What were some of the significant industry movements in 2017? What did we learn and how can we use that knowledge? Will legislation speed or slow the move toward 5G? And what trends should we look for next year? Industry analysts weigh in with their predictions on this edition of TIA NOW.

  • On July 13, the FCC updated its Equipment Authorization rules to provide flexibility to manufacturers to use electronic labeling in lieu of a physical label or nameplate, and took steps to streamline the certification process for telecommunications equipment and devices imported into the United States. Julius Knapp, Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering Technology and Rashmi Doshi, Chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering Technology Laboratory Division, dive into the agency's new e-labeling and device certification rules, and explain how it will benefit regulators, manufacturers, and consumers alike.

  • On May 18, the FCC voted to accept Chairman Ajit Pai’s Restoring Internet Freedom Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which addresses the future of the net neutrality rules. Discussing what this means for consumers and the companies that build these networks, and whether legislation offers a better path forward is Jeff Campbell from Cisco, Jared Carlson from Ericsson and Kathleen Abernathy, former FCC Commissioner and former executive at Frontier Communications.

  • Rob Mesirow, Partner at PwC, tells TIA NOW’s Abe Nejad about how hardware suppliers can successfully move into the software business through virtualization and cloud services.

  • As the FCC and industry expects the first 5G networks to go live in 2020, there's a lot of ground to cover from a technology and policy perspective. Here to give us their response to the FCC's rulemaking on millimeter wave spectrum are policy leaders from Intel, Nokia and Samsung Networks.

  • In this discussion following their keynote panel at TIA 2016, service providers discuss the FCC's role in broadband infrastructure investment, addressing IoT from a public policy perspective and 5G spectrum policy and rollout. Joining us from the Dell TIA NOW Studio are Craig Silliman, EVP of Public Policy and General Counsel at Verizon, and Jim Cicconi, Senior EVP of External and Legislative Affairs at AT&T, and David Cohen, Senior EVP at Comcast.

  • FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel mapped out her five point plan for next generation technologies, as she delivered a keynote address at the TIA 2016 Network of the Future Conference in Dallas, TX. Rosenworcel pointed out in the plan the need for higher bands of spectrum, unlicensed spectrum usage, experimental technologies and the need for wired networks.

  • FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel talks about her five point plan for next generation networking technologies, from the Dell TIA NOW studio at the TIA 2016 Network of the Future Conference. The plan includes a focus on future FCC rulings, low band spectrum, unlicensed spectrum, experimental licenses and the importance of wired networks.

  • Howard Symons, Vice Chair of the Incentive Auction Task Force at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), explains the mechanics of the impending incentive auction for broadcast spectrum, to be then later sold to wireless carriers. Mock auctions for spectrum bidders is the norm, according to Symons, but due to the novelty of this year’s incentive auction, the FCC will be hosting a practice auction for spectrum bidders.

  • Spectrum scarcity is not only a concern in our businesses, but now also in our cars. Harry Lightsey, Executive Director, Global Connected Customer, Public Policy at General Motors tells TIA NOW that emerging Wi-Fi technologies could cause interference in radio spectrum used for mission critical services that reduce vehicle collisions.

  • Scott Belcher, Chief Executive Officer of TIA, discusses the challenges that the communications industry will face under the FCC's net neutrality regulations. TIA will file a legal brief challenging the regulations imposed by the FCC's order, which reclassifies the Internet as a Title II utility.

  • FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly apologizes to the TIA 2015 audience for the new Title II rules that regulate the Internet, intended to prevent paid prioritization and other unrealized concerns that “might” happen. Commissioner O’Rielly says that uncertainty in the market under Title II rules will adversely impact the communications industry for years.

  • FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn spoke at the TIA 2015 Network of the Future Conference about the communications gap between the haves and the have nots. Commissioner Clyburn says that making broadband more affordable for everyone will provide returns for the communications industry.

  • Join TIA NOW as they speak with FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn at TIA 2015. Clyburn spoke about some of her priorities as Commissioner and how that will impact industry and consumers.

  • FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly talks about the the net neutrality debate, 2016 spectrum auction, 5G and much more, following his keynote at the TIA 2015 Conference.
