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Gee Rittenhouse, SVP of Engineering for Cisco’s Security Business Group, tells us why protecting the communications network and millions of connected devices is now a security concern that cuts across dozens of technologies and verticals.
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TIA’s Network of the Future conference provides attendees an avenue to explore a wide-range of perspectives that center on the essential infrastructure foundations needed for advancing connectivity and economic opportunity across every industry and every market. You don’t want to miss this. Join us June 5-8 in Plano, TX. Register today at
What are the key security challenges facing enterprise networks as we move through the cloud/SDN transition phase? Will multiple vendors in a cloud infrastructure create bigger security challenges? Siobhan Moran and Brett Young, Principal Consultants at Leidos Cyber, join TIA NOW to discuss the challenges network developers face in securing the data center.
What does it take to redefine a network as part of an overall digital transformation? Gee Rittenhouse, Senior VP of Engineering for Cisco’s Security Business Group, and Amol Phadke, Managing Director of Global Network Strategy at Accenture, join TIA NOW with insights.
Kevin Koppenhaver, Senior Program Director at Belcan, spoke from the TIA Connectivity Jam in Dallas, TX about cybersecurity in avionics and automotive. Koppenhaver stressed the issue of vulnerabilities that are created when adding nodes to devices, and whether industry is reviewing the process of adding network nodes.
Jeff Schilling, Chief Security Officer at Armor, spoke with Abe Nejad at TIA NOW about the importance of implementing security natively. He explains that IoT makes the network easier to secure, which contrasts with how many technology experts view the implications of connected devices.
Gee Rittenhouse, SVP of Engineering for Cisco’s Security Business Group, tells us why protecting the communications network and millions of connected devices is now a security concern that cuts across dozens of technologies and verticals.
To give us an overview of the current and impending trends in the 2016-2020 edition of the MR&F are John Jackson, Program Vice President for Mobility Research at IDC and John Jacobs, VP of Market Intelligence and Strategy for TIA.
Steve Orrin, Chief Technologist at Intel Federal tells TIA NOW about the security challenges facing data centers from both physical and cyber threats. What improvements should organizations implement in the near term to help address these threats?
Gone are the days of simply connecting devices to one another, as leading industry CTOs are now showing the true value of the Internet of Things. At TIA's 2016 CTO Council Meeting in Austin, TX, over 30 industry luminaries discussed and debated IoT applications, IoT challenges and future IoT technologies.
As network business and digital services come together and telcos expand revenue opportunities through IoT adoption, what challenges exist not only in IoT adoption, but also to develop, deploy and monetize new connected services?
NTIA policy analyst Travis Hall speaks with TIA NOW about the policy challenges around developing IoT technologies.
Dan Pigott, Chief Administrative Officer at Henkels and McCoy tells TIA NOW about the challenges in privacy and cybersecurity regulations. Pigott also talks about the challenges in providing redundant and robust physical infrastructures to meet enterprise and consumer demands.
How is the sophistication of U.S. and international smart grids increasing their vulnerability? And how do we take measures of protection against cyber attacks? TIA NOW explores these questions with Norma Krayem, Senior Policy Advisor and Co-Chair of the Cybersecurity and Privacy Team at Holland & Knight.
Noopur Davis, Senior Vice President of Product Security and Privacy for the Technology and Product Team at Comcast, tells the TIA 2016 conference audience how privacy, integrity and availability are the primary tenets of security by design.
Charlie Mitchell, the Editor of and author of "Hacked: The Inside Story of America's Struggle to Secure Cyberspace," is here with us in the Dell TIA NOW studio at the TIA 2016 event in Dallas, TX to talk about the latest cyber threats and the legislative and regulatory efforts to curtail cyber attacks.