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Engineering Committees
A major function of the Telecommuniccations Industry Association (TIA) is the writing and maintenance of voluntary industry standards and specifications. These activities are carried out by the volunteer members of TIA engineering committees. On the public engineering committee pages, users will find recent meeting reports, agendas, and notices for upcoming meetings, as well as links to some of the most popular stsandards from each committee.
- Meeting Calendar: View past and upcomming events for TIA committees.
- Meeting Sign-in: Electronic attendance rosters for committee meetings.
- Manuals – The operating procedures for the TIA Engineering Committees.
- Committee Member Tools: The Committee Member Tools section contains many useful tools for members and committees.
- Committee Ballot Tools: In their role as a Standards Development Organization (SDO) TIA engineering committees write technical standards that promote harmonization and interoperability within the communications industry.
- TR-8 Mobile and Personal Private Radio Standards
- TR-14 Point-to-Point Communications Systems
- TR-30 Multi-Media Access, Protocols and Interfaces
- TR-34 Satellite Equipment & Systems
- TR-41 User Premises Telecommunications Requirements
- TR-42 Telecommunications Cabling Systems
- TR-45 Mobile and Personal Communications Systems Standards
- TR-47 Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast
- TR-48 Vehicular Telematics
- TR-49 Healthcare ICT
- TR-50 Smart Device Communications
- TR-51 Smart Utility Networks
- U.S. Technical Advisory Groups