Telecommunications Industry Association

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    What will define 5G is coming into focus. The need for an effective standards process, that will represent the varied stakeholders, is critical. TIA NOW discusses this process and shows a working demo of 3 future capabilities of 5G.

All Telecommunications Industry Association Videos:

  • Featuring highlights from TIA's "Network Transition: Going From the PSTN to an all IP Network" event.

  • TR-42, TIA's Engineering Committee for Cabling Systems Standards remains active as Herb Congdon, Associate VP of Standards and Technology Development at TIA, tells us what to look forward to.

  • Steve Sifferman, CEO of Tarana Wireless, tells us the difference between DAS systems and small cell technologies, and how best to utilize them.

  • How can M2M and security providers collaborate to develop and deliver secure solutions? What does the value chain look like today and how can we work together to simplify the process for corporate adopters?

  • CTO of Radisys, Manish Singh, says SDN technologies are on the hype cycle, particularly around telecom. Watch TIA NOW as they continue to preview their documentary on SDN, to be released on September 10th, 2013.

  • TUV SUD says, "the devices and the machines of the future will inevitably be linked to networked environments.” As industrial networking grows, is industry growing their networks too fast and not considering security concerns?

  • Michael Saylor, CEO of Microstrategy, says "technology lightning struck" for him and his business.

  • CEO of Wyless, Dan McDuffie, tells TIA NOW why they are the leading provider of global M2M wireless connectivity solutions and managed services.

  • SOLiD Technologies is on the cutting edge of end-to-end solutions for public safety - and the safety of millions of riders on the New York City Subway is just one project that Seth Buechley, President of SOLiD Technologies, is well entrenched in.

  • Join an expert group of influential thinkers in machine-to-machine (M2M) and cybersecurity at a two-day workshop on June 4th and 5th at TIA headquarters and Conference Center in Arlington, Va.

  • Software-Defined Networking is weaving its way into the fabric of our industry. Vish Nandlall, CTO of Ericsson North America, tells us what we should expect from the new frontier of SDN.

  • Corning's new all-optical converged wireless solution called the ONE Wireless Platform is revealed at CTIA 2013.

  • The May 21st product launch of Corning's ONE™ Wireless Platform at CTIA 2013 will demonstrate the first all-optical converged in-building wireless solution designed to deliver more bandwidth, services and applications over a single fiber infrastructure.

  • AT&T's President of Supply Chain and Fleet Operations, Tim Harden, talks to TIA NOW about supply chain issues from cybersecurity and vendor competition to spectrum and high-speed broadband deployment.

  • Rural Carriers and their customers are gearing up for broadband deployment to virtually 100% U.S. penetration. But there are challenges for rural stakeholders as new technologies and changing business models shape our industry. Join TIA NOW as they speak with Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of NTCA - The Rural Broadband Association.
